Steve Trash is a passionate advocate for the ARTS and SCIENCE. He believes that ART should always be included when teaching Science Technology Engineering Math… transforming STEM into something much much more powerful… STEAM.
He believes in this idea so much, that he’s created a – NEW LIVE – IN SCHOOL – PERFORMANCE – specifically for Alabama primary schools.
It’s filled with magic, music, laughter, science, art, and so much more. Kids (and teachers) will have fun, laugh, learn, be inspired, and gain a greater understanding of why the “A” should always be a part of STEM.
So… why is STEAM better than STEM? The short answer is… story.
The artist’s job is to tell a good story and STEM needs good (or great) stories. Here’s his PBS TV show episode dedicated to this idea…
This episode is the theme of Steve’s ART – THE POWER OF STEAM live – in school – performance.
Connecting with kids and sharing the power of STEAM… that’s what Rockin’ Eco Hero – Steve Trash is all about.
Steve is proud to partner with the Alabama Arts Alliance – ART LOOK MAP Program – increasing arts education in Alabama.
Steve lives in an EarthBirmed home in beautiful Frog Pond, Alabama with his wife and five dogs. He maintains a very busy schedule touring both nationally and internationally.

For prices and available dates, please contact his Executive Assistant – Pamela Lewerenz at