I have always enjoyed A CHRISTMAS CAROL written by Charles Dickens (did you know he was also a magician? He was!). I like both, the book and the movie versions. I like them a lot. With apologies to so many great British actors, my personal favorite movie version is the […]
Steve Trash
Have you ever wondered why so many folks (including myself on occasion) ignore obviously well documented evidence so they/we – through logic we believe – will arrive at the conclusion we already believe in? Here’s why… We tend to think of our minds as state-of-the-art security vaults, that allow in […]
CONSPIRACY THEORIES – conspiracy theories are fun! They make us feel unique and important because we believe we KNOW something that large numbers of people do not. “I’m smart… you are dumb” is a pretty easy way to feel good about yourself. Conspiracies are fun and interesting to think about […]
About every six months or so… maybe eight months. I read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (both are kinda procedural and a little boring in places). I also read the Declaration of Independence. It’s a little less boring, but it’s mostly just saying to the King of England […]
I do not consume a great deal of social media (on a good day… 7 minutes). On a bad day (45 minutes). I understand that many folks (including my wife belong to online communities that they get a lot out of). I can appreciate this… but… for me, it just […]
I see the words “confirmation bias” thrown around on social media a lot. They are sometimes used in a derogatory manner, and I think their true meaning may be a bit misunderstood. So here’s a simple explanation of confirmation bias. Jill says, “Jack NEVER puts the lid of the toilet […]
I really enjoy reading about the “mind games” our brains play on us. I’m currently reading a great book by David Robert Grimes called GOOD THINKING. It’s fantastic! There are lots of examples of the trickery our minds pull on us. Our minds play tricks on us because they are […]
As I stared into that old wooden Anheuser-Busch Magic Box that’s been by my side since 1975, and has literally traveled ALL over the world with me, I only had two thoughts. The first… Wow… I’ve been at this professional show business game for exactly 40 years now! Here it […]
IT’S GETTING BETTER… ELECTRIC LAWN MOWERS GOOD NEWS. We humans are not great at working – WITH – natural systems, but we – ARE – getting better. ELECTRIC LAWNMOWERS are a great example. A true confession… I enjoy cutting my lawn. There are two reasons. One… we have a pretty […]
HAPPY EARTH DAY… I’m often asked by kids why I’m so passionate about the planet Earth, its resources, its critters, and its 8 billion human inhabitants. The answer is pretty straightforward. Our home – the planet Earth is unique. I mean it’s super unique in our solar system… and maybe […]