IT’S GETTING BETTER… ELECTRIC LAWN MOWERS GOOD NEWS. We humans are not great at working – WITH – natural systems, but we – ARE – getting better. ELECTRIC LAWNMOWERS are a great example. A true confession… I enjoy cutting my lawn. There are two reasons. One… we have a pretty […]
3 posts
HAPPY EARTH DAY… I’m often asked by kids why I’m so passionate about the planet Earth, its resources, its critters, and its 8 billion human inhabitants. The answer is pretty straightforward. Our home – the planet Earth is unique. I mean it’s super unique in our solar system… and maybe […]
Happy EARTH DAY – 2022 – (april 22) EVERYONE! Personally, I’m super-duper-thankful for the wild-cat industry titans that discovered, built, developed, packaged, marketed, sold, created infrastructure, and markets for carbon based fossil fuels in the 20th and 21st centuries. We are ALL better off for it. Humanity has been able […]