I have always enjoyed A CHRISTMAS CAROL written by Charles Dickens (did you know he was also a magician? He was!). I like both, the book and the movie versions. I like them a lot. With apologies to so many great British actors, my personal favorite movie version is the […]
As I stared into that old wooden Anheuser-Busch Magic Box that’s been by my side since 1975, and has literally traveled ALL over the world with me, I only had two thoughts. The first… Wow… I’ve been at this professional show business game for exactly 40 years now! Here it […]
We all (each one of us) lives in our own little social media bubble. First… we choose the social media things that interest us by clicking on them, viewing them, or liking them, commenting on them, or disliking them. Second… our chosen BME -Behavior Modification Empire (Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, […]
It was 1979. I’d been fascinated by magic, theater, and the whole world of performing arts my entire life. I couldn’t get enough of it. I watched it on TV, I’d read books about it, I performed in “plays” with the local GingerBread Players group, and I even tried to […]
When I was 28 years old, I had been out in the world making a living as professional magician Steve Trash for more than a decade. I was a good entertainer. I was a good magician. People enjoyed my show, and I worked a lot. I had earned my stripes […]
I’m a shutterbug. I’ve shot photos my whole life (well – for as long as I can remember). Back “in the day” I could even process my own black and white film and print pics as well. I inherited my grandfather’s collection of camera’s (very good ones) when I was […]
… if you know me very well (if not… hi… I’m Steve … nice to meet you), you understand that I am a driven person who works very very hard to be a success. I believe in personal effort. I believe in individualism. I believe in personal achievement. I believe […]
Magic tricks are not real. That probably seems obvious to you. Right? But magic tricks are way more complicated than you might think. I know this because I’m a magician. I’m a professional magician. I’m the one (literally) pulling the strings, hiding the rabbits, and sawing the ladies in half. […]
Electric cars make pollution. What?! Yep … they do. I personally like electric vehicles a lot, but recently, I’ve heard some folks pushing back against electric cars, electric energy and a “greener, non-polluting, sustainable, cleaner economy”. The argument they make goes something like this: the production of electric cars and […]
TELLER IS KIND OF A GENIUS by Rockin’ Eco Hero – Steve Trash Personal confession here … podcasts are very, very popular, but I just don’t like them. I participate in them when asked to be a guest and do my best to answer truthfully. I try to bring some […]