IT’S GETTING BETTER… ELECTRIC LAWN MOWERS GOOD NEWS. We humans are not great at working – WITH – natural systems, but we – ARE – getting better. ELECTRIC LAWNMOWERS are a great example. A true confession… I enjoy cutting my lawn. There are two reasons. One… we have a pretty […]
3 posts
HAPPY EARTH DAY… I’m often asked by kids why I’m so passionate about the planet Earth, its resources, its critters, and its 8 billion human inhabitants. The answer is pretty straightforward. Our home – the planet Earth is unique. I mean it’s super unique in our solar system… and maybe […]
By Steve Trash Rockin’ Eco Hero Recycling is a smart use of the natural resources God has given us. Recycling is important. Recycling matters. If a new aluminum can is made from recycled aluminum it saves 95% of the energy required to make it. Recycling just one ton of cardboard […]