GIGO – garbage in garbage out

We all (each one of us) lives in our own little social media bubble.

First… we choose the social media things that interest us by clicking on them, viewing them, or liking them, commenting on them, or disliking them.

Second… our chosen BME -Behavior Modification Empire (Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Threads, etc) FEEDS US the items that will hold our interest in our “feed” (I love this word “feed” because we are LITERALLY CONSUMING these ideas straight into our hearts, minds, brains) with no filter for whether it harms us or not.

Third… the algorithm sees what we consume and sends us MORE and MORE and MORE of this same stuff (funny videos, political vitriol, car crashes, people being kind, conspiracy theories, beautiful photos of nature, pseudoscience,), while other stuff that we DON’T want to see is hidden from view…

It’s not that this stuff isn’t out there… it is… but in our social media bubble… it’s literally being ignored by the algorithm, and we’re being served up exactly what we’ve asked for.

We’re consuming it.

So… here’s the deal.

Are you feeling negative? Been watching a lot of political news?

Are you feeling good? Been watching cat videos?

Your mind is consuming all of it.

In the end, it’s really your choice. So… are you eating well… or not?

Maybe we should be shooting for… WIWO

Wisdom In Wisdom Out

#GIGO #garbageingarbageout #socialmedia #feeding #choosewisely #wiwo

by Steve Trash – Rockin’ Eco Hero